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Land Clearing and Construction Material Recovery, Pesaro, Italy

  • Published on February 11, 2020
The City of Pesaro planned to demolish an old building with the selective demolition to prevent the use of new land for new public buildings. The old building was a military warehouse built in 1950 with bricks, roof tiles, wooden doors and window with a lot of dispersions and without any insulation. It was more convenient replace the old building with a new one with low environmental impact and manage the demolition to reach high value of recovery materials from the demolition waste.
By the specific criterion of the procurement procedure, Pesaro Council aims to incentive a low environmental impact in the waste management in the building sector, to improve the market of the recycling center and create new jobs. The bidders were asked to take all the disposal to the recycling center rather than to the landfill and provide the Public Works Office with all the documents about it such as: - Quantity of disposal transported - Quantity of disposal recycled The Council intends to promote the circular business building starting from the waste mangement of the demolition waste to a new process innovation including design, building and maintenance. Since the very early stage of the design, databases provide the data necessary for auditing and planning demolition procedures. The Council would like to demonstrate that the “smart” demolition is convenient for all the actors involved. By separating building materials, it is possible to reuse, recycle or resell them. This not only diverts waste from landfills, it may also help offset project costs when a client resells, reuses or donates the materials. And also the environmental impact expected are: improved material efficiency and resource recovery through increased recyclability rate and reduced materials extractions; reduced amount of waste; reduced release of toxins from building waste into ground water systems; energy efficiency and reduced carbon footprint. Closing product and material loops through reincorporating demolition materials into new buildings and regeneration projects have direct benefits from retained economic value and embodied energy. Ensuring the quality of re-used and upcycled products provides healthy indoor spaces. Planning temporary storages and exploiting the digital marketplaces reduces the harmful impacts from transport. The impacts expected are: increased value of refurbished buildings and repurposing of buildings through a common European framework; cost saving in refurbishment and new construction using lean, smart and shared processes with retention of value added through highest possible quality recycling; increased productivity in the sector (supply chain) applying circular economy principles and the business model with innovative aspects; growing market with new services and opportunities outside EU supported by international SBC network; green jobs created for all genders, start-ups for young people and increased employment rate; reduced amount of embodied energy/direct energy use where processing of recycled materials is more efficient extracting new raw materials for example in concrete and insulation. We can deliver optimal results improving competences and skills related to waste building materials management among stakeholders but what is more important is to share knowledge to tranform what nowadays is not standard yet in a common practice. It is necessary disseminate the results of the work through different channels, using both events and publications addressed to various audiences, but also provides training packages, use social media and organize webinars supported by networks and collaboratively interact with other best practices in this domain including circular information that can be mainstreamed when common digital platforms and supporting software are available.
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