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institutional support for the implementation of the national action plan for sustainable public procurement in Tunisia

  • Published on January 15, 2020
In the framework of the public procurement new regulation which devoted a chapter for sustainable purchases, and on the basis on the results of the national action plan for SPP ,this project was launched in cooperation with the SCP/RAC and funded by the EU (H2020- SWIM), implemented by CITET with SWIM experts and aims to exchange experiences in implementing SPP Capacity development, awareness , communication and preparing methodological guides to assist public purchasers
-The project provides a framework to communicate information about product’s sustainability aspects to consumers to create better awareness, stimulating the demand and supply of “greener” products in order set an economic policy based on the sustainable consumption which can definitely help to reduce environmental and social impacts . The project was set on a demonstrative approach in order to : -Exchange Experience on SPP implementation tools (Tunisian, Morrocan, belgium and british context) -Enhancing skills, awareness and communication actions on SPP targeting public purchasers, consumers and NGO's - Development of guides and methodological tools to assist public purchasers (expertiment the approach on one selected pilot product ( building) - Result1: SPP experience exchange and identification of implementation tools for SPP - Result 2: Selection of a pilot product. - Result 3: conducting technical workshops to build public purchasers capacities (practical case studies sharing experiences and testimonials with a specific module on the ISO 20400 (Sustainable Procurement) - Result 4: Development of a public purchaser toolkit for the selected pilot sector and advocacy materials - Result 5: Awareness campaign for the benefit of public purchasers from the pilot product sharing best practices and case studies in the SPP initiatives sharing methodological tools and awarness material
Project start date
Project end date

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