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How emerging urban youth can be an engine for more low-carbon, sustainable lifestyles: Beginning in Bogota

  • Published on July 6, 2017
This project aims at enhancing and harnessing a better understanding of low-carbon lifestyles at the city level. Emerging approaches will be tested in Bogota to catalyze action and create replicable urban models. The project adapts research to the Bogota context, working with local partners to build upon existing policy, initiatives and networks, as well as using a youth survey to identify how and what to effectively communicate.
This project proposal aims at enhancing and harnessing a better understanding of low-carbon lifestyles at the city level. With local partners, the project adapts research to the Bogota context, building upon understanding of existing policy, initiatives, networks and youth survey to identify how and what to effectively communicate. Emerging approaches will be tested in Bogota to catalyse action; to feed into the policy context; and to create replicable urban models. Awareness raising, dialogue and joint action-planning with expert support and synergies with on-going projects and initiatives are used. The project develops strategic low-carbon lifestyle area initiatives (developed with measurable climate change impacts based on other urban experiences) that target citizens (youth) reinforcing action across lifestyle areas and develops replicable urban models. Outputs feed into dynamic urban/regional/global SL agenda.
Project start date
Project end date

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