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Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI)

  • Published on June 11, 2019
The Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) is a multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together members of the international floriculture supply-chain. FSI members collaborate to improve practices and drive positive change in the sustainable production and trade of flowers and plants. A total of 14 international voluntary sustainable standards and schemes make up the FSI Basket.
The Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) is a multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together members of the international floriculture supply-chain. FSI members collaborate to improve practices and drive positive change in the sustainable production and trade of flowers and plants. To move towards a mainstream sustainable floriculture sector, it is key to develop a shared vision, reverse the fragmentation of standards and thus inefficiencies, and to create a structure where current and future sustainability issues can be tackled on a sector level. FSI anticipates that 90% of the traded flowers and plants will originate from responsible sources and be recognised as mainstream sustainable commodities by 2020. The flowers and plants supply chain will have integrated sustainable development criteria and FSI members will have implemented responsible sourcing and best practices on the identified key topics. To move towards a mainstream sustainable floriculture sector, it is key to develop a shared vision, reverse the fragmentation of standards and thus inefficiencies, and to create a structure where current and future sustainability issues can be tackled on a sector level. Baskets of Standards- There are 15 Voluntary Sustainable Standards and Schemes in the FSI Basket. They are fully transparent, comparable and by means of independent benchmarking, complying with social and/or environmental basic requirements. Florverde and other two standards are the most complete standards in the market.

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