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Comprehensive Consultative Process for the National Green Growth Strategy 2012-2020

  • Published on August 13, 2014
In 2011, after signing the OECD Declaration on Green Growth in 2009 and accessing the Organization in 2010, the Government of Israel launched a comprehensive consultative process to develop A National Green Growth Strategy for the years 2012-2020 and took the decision to call on the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor to jointly formulate the Strategy (decision no. 2768). The process was put forward by the two Ministries, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour. In total 500 stakeholders from different groups (including representatives from business and civil society) took part in the process through round tables, conferences and meetings, via the website in some cases. Based on their comments, insights emerged which contributed to the formulation of the major levers for change which shape the entire plan.
The objectives of the discussion round tables were to: 1) Formulate recommendations for a national plan for green growth; 2) Cooperate on the implementation of the national plan; 3) Serve as a forum for the transfer of information and updates among the different partners; and 4) Develop indicators for green growth in coordination with the OECD. Comprehensive consultative process with representatives from business and civil society (also on-line through a dedicated website). Some 500 stakeholders from three sectors took part in consolidating the solutions through round tables, conferences and meetings. Based on their comments, insights emerged which contributed to the formulation of the major levers for change which shape the entire plan. - A first round table was held in 2011 and as a result, participants agreed to present a policy proposal based on regulatory, economic, information and implementation instruments in three areas: green production, green consumption and green innovation. - In 2012 a second meeting took place at Israel's first National Conference on Green Growth. The conference helped broaden the public discourse on green growth and highlighted its inherent economic, social and environmental advantages. Afterwards, the National Green Growth Action Plan was consolidated. The outcome indicators which were set at the beginning of the process reflect the vision of all stakeholders: green growth in terms of sustainable production, sustainable consumption and innovation. Hundreds of stakeholders, representing different sectors of Israeli society, took part in the process. Their insights helped sharpen issues and facilitated the formulation of a package of optimal tools and policies for implementation. Israel is currently translating the recommendations into legislative, budgetary, administrative and educational reforms which will progress the country on the road to green growth. The process initiated by the October 2011 government decision has led to policy and regulatory initiatives aimed at implementing the green growth strategy. Israel is moving forward on a number of fronts: - drafting a green licensing law, - planning for a green growth knowledge center, - advancing green taxes, - designing training programs for green jobs, - promoting green procurement, - publishing anti-greenwash guidelines and launching a material and waste management research center. Yuval Laster, Director, Environmental Policy Division

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