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Combating Marine Plastic Litter and Micro plastic Along West Coast of Cameroon

  • Published on April 4, 2018
ICENECDEV,XminY Netherlands and partners are Combating Marine Plastic Litter and Micro Plastic along the west Coast of Cameroon (Isobe –Idenau Coastline) contributing to the UN Clean Seas Campaign to reduce marine litter and improve on health. Litter in the seas and water bodies are a major global environmental problem.ICENECDEV and its Partners is joining the Clean Seas Campaign, a global UN Environment initiative to reduce marine litter
1.To Educate and engage people especially along west coastline regions 2. To research on the impact plastics on marine wildlife along the west Coast of Cameroon 3.To Organize regular clean beach and coastline initiatives along coastline regions 4 To Engage Business and shops to educate customers on the negative environmental impact of plastics Carrier Bags and micro plastic. ICENECDEV Coastline Clean Up Action • ICENECDEV and Partner are committed in tackling of marine litter by suggesting and recommending a national collection. • Promoting community based organizations and plastic companies to participate in beach clean-ups Activities In Cameroon. • Engaging Companies Business and shops to inform customers on the negative environmental impact of plastics Carrier Bags and microplastic • ICENECDEV supports the Ban on microplastics by the Cameroon Government • Promote research and community investigation on plastics.on marine wildlife along the west Coast of Cameroon • Establish an informal Network to Combat Marine litter in Cameroon 1.More than 500 community members engaged in regular Beach Clean up action along the West coastline of Cameroon from Isobe-Idenau. 2.More than 5,000 educated and senstised on the negative impact of Marine Litter on Marine ecosystem and human health. 3. More than 5 coastal village communities Organize regular clean beach and coastline initiatives along coastline regions 4.More than 1000 customers educated on the negative environmental impact of plastics Carrier Bags and micro plastic. -Stakeholder can provide us with more technical information on marine plastic litter - Publications and reports on Marine litter and mitigation strategies - Share our project link and links us to partners - Provide us with networks on marine litter and online training Courses to build our capacities. - Share our project link and links us to partners - information on seminars, workshops and conferences to participate actively to Combat marine plastic litter and waste management.

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