Latest from the network
The Sustainable Kitchen: An Online Hub for Industry Best Practice from The Consumer Goods Forum
Joining forces to transform agrifood systems in the Mediterranean
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Sustainable Public Procurement in Construction: Launch of the Global Framework for Action to Drive Demand for Near-Zero Emission and Resilient Buildings
CFS52 stresses the need for action against acute food crises and approves policy recommendations to tackle inequalities
Inspiring a global movement for sustainable consumption and production
The One Planet network is a global community of practitioners, policymakers and experts, including governments, businesses, civil society, academia and international organisations, that implements the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production and works towards achieving SDG 12: ensuring sustainable patterns of consumption and production.
Individual Members
The One Planet network involves more than 6,200 individual members from around the world who are engaged in sustainable consumption and production
National Focal Points
140 countries have appointed an official contact point for sustainable consumption and production and the 10YFP
Thematic Programmes
Including three sectoral programmes on Tourism, Food and Buildings and Construction, as well as three cross-cutitng programmes on Consumer Information, Public Procurement and Lifestyles and Education
Partner Organisations
From across government, business and civil society collaborating on sustainable consumption and production:
> Government: 120+
> Business: 790+
> Civil Society: 370+
> UN/International Organisations: 30+
> Scientific & Technical Organisations: 120+
> Other: 30+
Webinars and events
Knowledge centre
Country Profiles
Explore progress on sustainable consumption and production by country, and discover how your country is taking action within the One Planet network
SDG 12 Hub
The SDG 12 Hub supports Member States in the achievement of SDG 12, and is the central location for accessing official government reporting against SDG 12 indicators.
The Hub consolidates and visualises the results of national reporting on SDG 12 indicators, making these publicly available to browse progress on SDG 12 by country or by individual targets.
Connect with sustainable consumption and production Practitioners
Connect and collaborate with more than 5,000 SCP practitioners around the world