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Shout it Out: Communicating Products' Social Impacts - a White Paper of the Consumer Information Programme

  • Published on September 10, 2018
This White Paper’s primary objective is to identify good practices of product-level social impact communication that can provide inspiration, and be built upon or replicated. It identifies relevant principles, criteria and means to communicate such impacts, including recommendations on integrating social impact communication with more well-established environmental impact communication tools.
While the focus lies on business to consumer (B2C) communications, the recommendations given are also valid for business to business (B2B) and business to government communications. The target audience of this white paper are, primarily, companies and standard-setting/ labelling organizations (i.e. those who communicate), but recommendations on how to support progress are also provided for governments, nongovernmental organizations and relevant initiatives. The White Paper was developed through a working group of the Consumer Information Programme: The development of the Guidelines was supported by the German government through the International Climate Initiative.

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