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The New Normal - Key Messages & Summary from OECD -- UN Environment Expert Dialogue

  • Published on July 11, 2018
On May 3rd-4th 2018, UN Environment and OECD organized an exciting high-level event: THE NEW NORMAL: Shaping the decisions, attitudes and behaviour to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The discussion brought together new influencers, behavioural experts, policy-makers and business leaders from around the globe.
On May 3rd-4th, UN Environment and OECD organized an exciting high-level event: THE NEW NORMAL: Shaping the decisions, attitudes and behavior to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The discussion brought together new influencers, behavioural experts, policy-makers and business leaders from around the globe. Many times the question is asked, ‘If you were in the elevator with the Minister of Environment, what would be your pitch to “make sustainability happen”?’ Answers usually reference subsidizing resources, research and development, innovative policy frameworks and new sustainability messaging. A telling response, however, was made by a financier at the event who said ‘Given urgency, we need to rephrase the question to be ‘who wants to be in the elevator and what can we do now? Then get everyone else you need in the elevator.’ The dialogue had key notes OECD, UN Environment, the eco-entrepreneur Ali El Idrissi, consumer behaviour expert Guy Champniss; and social influencer Lauren Singer, whose zero-waste lifestyle campaign has reached over 1M people just on YouTube.

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