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Draft: Pathways to Sustainable Lifestyles - Global Stocktaking Report

  • Published on March 18, 2015
The purpose of this stocktaking report is to contribute to the overall development of the Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP) by delivering a better understanding of the complex relations between lifestyles and sustainability, briefly explaining the relevant role of research, policy development, education and civic action as fundamental tools to enable, strengthen and safeguard sustainable lifestyles, and identifying regional, sub regional, national and local initiatives and actions that indicate a shift towards more sustainable lifestyles or the safeguarding of sustainable traditional knowledge and cultural practices. This report: - presents the concept of sustainable lifestyles as understood today; - identifies common lifestyles issues and differences between regions; and - presents examples of the trends and innovations that are in place to address them, placing a special focus on education. This report will consider how transformative learning and change towards sustainable lifestyles can be accelerated and enhanced through the initiatives of the Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme. This report was prepared by contributors from: - The Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL) namely Victoria Thoresen, Robert Didham, Carme Martinez-Roca, Luis Flores Mimica, Cathy Rutivi and Sevgi Kalkan; - with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), including Fabienne Pierre (Programme Officer), Garrette Clark (Programme Officer), Khairoon Abbas (Consultant) and Helene Cruypenninck (former Consultant).

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