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Education for Sustainability and Consumption

  • Published on June 13, 2017
The main objective is to raise awareness of consumerism and sustainability among educators and students of several municipal and state primary public schools, as well as their respective communities. The intended results are training courses for educators, reaching five municipal districts in five geographical regions: Belém, Brasília, Porto Alegre, Salvador and São Paulo.
The project’s main objective is to sensitize educators, students and the school community (employees, parents, and the surrounding population), in the sphere of municipal and state primary public schools (serving children ages 6 to 15) in five Brazilian regions, about the themes of consumerism and sustainability. One hundred public schools per municipality will be selected in partnership with their Departments of Education, with the coordinator and five teachers being trained in each one. The project will probably reach directly 500 schools, 500 course coordinators and 2,500 teachers; 750,000 children and adolescents, students of the primary public school system, will be reached. In addition, the project intends to develop training courses and materials (guides and audiovisual resources) on the theme of sustainable consumption education, which will be offered to the Municipal and State Departments of Education, which will distribute them within their municipality’s public school system. The direct results are the training courses for educators, reaching five distinct municipal districts distributed around the country’s five geographical regions: Belém/PA, Brasília/DF, Porto Alegre/RS, Salvador/BA and São Paulo/SP. For more information on the project, please contact the Alana Institute at
Project start date
Project end date

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